
What hours does Finishing WA operate?
Good question... Non stop! Or at least it feels like it sometimes. Being a family owned and operated business we put maximum effort into providing longer extended hours of operation for our clients. Generally speaking, we’re there from as early as 4am to as late as 7pm, but we prefer to be visited at normal hours of 6am – 5pm
What is the best way to order?
We’re finally starting to get a website together and create an easier quoting and ordering system for our clients – yes, we do understand we have been quite slow lately, please accept our apologies. In the meantime, continue to email/fax your Purchase Orders through and we will service you as usual.
Why we are now selling products and not just our finishing service?
After so many years doing what we do best, we have found ways we can do it better - and now you can also benefit from that. We thought to ourselves... there must be an easier and cheaper way for those in our industry to purchase common products from one local supplier. So why not use us as your supplier, your finisher and your storage space – we have 1500sq meters, lets utilize it !
We want you to add a product to your catalogue that we use regularly – Can Rapid do that?
Of course! We want your suggestions and if we can add something to make our lives easier, we are all for it. Just let us know.
Can you provide us with some samples?
Just tell us what you want and they will be in the mail the next day. We have thousands of samples, if they’re not in your hand, they will be going to recycling very shortly.
How old is Eric?
Based on experience, he’s 168, he practically works that many hours in a week! In reality, he’s born on 1954
Do you shut over public holidays/Christmas?
We get this question every year from our customers... No we don’t. In fact, we use this time to catch up and prepare ourselves for the new year.


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